Contacts and Booking Information

Gill Fredrick
54 Littleheath Lane, Bromsgrove B60 1JL
Telephone: 01527 874163
E-mail: (or complete the Contact Us form)

  • to book a ticket or a subscription
  • to reserve a ticket for payment and collection on the door
  • to find out more about our concerts
  • to request a gift aid form
  • for mailing list requests
  • for further information on how to get to Artrix

Please make cheques or postal orders payable to "Bromsgrove Concerts" and enclose a stamped addressed envelope

Alan Cook
E-mail: (or complete the Contact Us form)

  • if you are an agent or musician and wish to contact us about our concert series

Andy Dix
E-mail: (or complete the Contact Us form)

  • to comment on this website

For a complete list of who does what, see Who's Who at Bromsgrove Concerts